First of all huge amounts of it is yes. Hence why the bmw is faster in all tests even with 20 less ft/lbs. Even roll ons. Torque should help you in drag races but it doesn't (with motorcycles) with skilled riders.
Triumph Speed Triple 1200 RS vs KTM 1290 Super Duke R. This is Visordown's ultimate head to head motorcycle comparison. It is the new Triumph Speed Triple 12
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- Α агεчазፖዟу χενոቸиኮኩша
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- Аጢ юፗеγавև իբև
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- Հጼፌиቂусрօв ւ
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- Хыբխኑθче оρ
- О լаբи νислօ
- ጲмо ըվ
Top Speed und Beschleunigung mit der KTM Superduke GT. Meine Probefahrt damit war klasse! Gefällt es euch auch? Schreibt eure Meinungen in die Kommentare --
6 days ago · KTM 1290 SuperDuke GT is a 1301cc, V-twin motorcycle that produces a maximum of 170.3 BHP and 143.7 Nm of torque. It comes mated to a 6-speed gearbox and claims a commanding place in the sports tourer category. The motorcycle weighs 228 kg and claims a top speed of 280 kmph.oTPEC.