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2 – Premature Brake Wear. Research has shown that many owners of the Ford Transit have found problems with the brakes. All researchers seem to agree that the van’s brakes are not durable, especially the rear brakes. This has been a problem since the Transit models starting in 2015.
An EGR delete software solution is available on all 2007 on Mk7 2.2,2.4 & 3.2 Transits & all Euro 4 Connect ( 2006 on ) which ends the problem once & for all & can add about .5 to 1mpg as well as making the van run crisper at up to 3000rpm..a great source for blanking plates is a seller on eBay called Bertye1958 , the plate you need for Mk7’s On this video, you''l see how I change the EGR Valve - vanne - on my Ford Transit.EGR stands for Exhaust Gas Recirculation.If you liked this video, please hi Thank you for watching my video that follows on from my previous video where I replaced the EGR valve on my 2013 transit custom, in this video I thought I wo AJ2K.